Pearls Before Swine

「豚に真珠」この古めかしい格言を名前としたバンドは1967〜74年迄の間 U.Sやヨーロッパ各地を回りながら 9枚のアルバムを発表してその活動を終えている。といっても私の知ってるのは、ボッシュの木の男の絵をジャケットに施した彼らの1st 「One Nation Underground」 そしてそれに続く 「Balaklava」のみなのだが...
Where have you been to?
Where did you go?
Did you follow the Summer out
When The Windter pushed its face
In the snow?
Or have you come by again
To die again?
Try again another time
Did you follow the Crystal Swan?
Did you see yourself
Depp inside the Velvet Pond?
Or have you come by again
To die again?
Try again another time
When you set to shape the world
Was the shape the shape of You?
Or did you cast enchanting glance
Thru the Eye that all men use?
Or have you come by again
To die again?
Try again another time
Did you find that the Universe
Doesn't care at all?
Did you find that if you don't care
This whole wrong world will fall?
Or have you come by again
To die again?
Try again another time
Did you ever capture
All those jewels in the sky?
Did you find that the world outside
Is all inside your mind?
Or have you come by again
To die again
Try again another time 
右に歌詞を記した ANOTHER TIME は 1st Album の出だしの曲で、実はこれが Tom Rapp の最初に書いた曲だそうである。彼のインタビューを載せておこう。 

I was in an Austin Healy Sprite convertible, I was the passenger. The car missed a curve and went off into the service road. I was thrown out. The car flipped over, the windshield was in a tree about a hundred yards away. I had a little scrape on my elbow and that's it! I suddenly realized, standing in the road and this came to me (honest to God) is that the universe doesn't care at all. I built the first song around that. 


  1. Another Time 
  2. Playmate 
  3. Ballad to an ambert lady 
  4. (Oh dear)Miss Morse 
  5. Drop Out! 
  6. Mornign Song 
  7. Regions of May 
  8. Uncle John 
  9. S shall not car 
  10. The surrealist waltz 

中心人物 Tom Rapp、 1976 年以降全ての演奏活動から身を退いてペンシルバニア州の田舎町にひきこもってしまった彼は、1997年春にボストン郊外の TERRASTOCK フェスティバルに Damon & Naomi と共に再度人々の前に現れた。それは20年間の時間を超えた友人同士の再会なのかもしれない。

さて、現在のところ Pearls Before Swine のCDとして手に入るアルバムは I'st と 2nd の2枚だけだが、1998年前半には Reprise から Constructive Melancholy. っていうベスト版がリリースされるようだ。詳細は The PEARLS BEFORE SWINE Connection. を参照してください。また98年の TERRASTOCK II では Stone Breath(Magic Eye record ?) ってバンドと一緒に出演予定のよう... 

その後 Online を探していると Sun Forest がCD化 

Translucent Carriages

2,Feb' 2001