Last-modified: Saturday, 09-Dec-2000 17:35:04 JST

palmtop archive

[in Japanese] [PALMTOP WORLD] [~kimu's HOMEPAGE]

tptobmp (TealPaint DB to BMP images)

CAUTION: tptobmp is for B/W image only! NOT FOR COLOR!

TealPaint is cool and useful paint tool for PalmPilot, PalmIII. But It includes the file converters only for Windows and DOS...

"tptobmp" is TealPaint file converter (from TealPaint DB to BMP) for UNIX, Mac, etc. Ported partly in Perl by KIMURA Kazushi based on PICUTIL in TPUTLSRC.ZIP developped in C Language by TealPoint;

PICUTIL Image management utility for TealPaint Version 3.12, 12/14/98
(c)1998 TealPoint Software, All Rights Reserved
DOWNLOAD: tptobmp.gz [Feb 14 1999]
TealPaint DB to BMP converter (perl script). Compressed with gzip.
DOWNLOAD: tptobmp.sit.hqx
tptobmp for Macintosh is a drag and drop application with MacPerl5. [Feb 14 1999]

ActiveX to communicate with CASIO QV-10

Alberto Iglesias Galiana <iglesias@fox.com.br> sent me a message:

I create the OCX basely in Protocol QV10, to send and gets bytes from COM port casio camera! The ocx have a =~ 20 functions to take pictures, power off, clear, reset, get JPG, etc.
DOWNLOAD:CasioQV.zip(souce code in VisualBasic) (Dec 12 1998)

pmptojpg (for SONY DSC-F1,2,3)

pmptojpeg is Sony digital camera DSC-F1,2,3 (Cyber-shot) PMP format to JPEG format converter using perl for UNIX, MS-DOS, Windows and Macintosh. See also: Cyber-shot FAQ Original in Japanese.

pmptojpg document (in Japanese)
PMP to JPEG converter (perl script). Gzip'ed.
pmptojpg for Macintosh (MacPerl5 required).

palmtop archive / KIMURA Kazushi / kimu@st.rim.or.jp