JDJ usage

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The main panel of JDJ looks like:
view of the JDJ main panel

Each region (rectangle) on the panel has its own function.

set background
Set Background. You can change the background image by clicking this region. Clicking the left-side region displays the previous background image, and the right-side region displays the next one.

disc title
Disc Title. Displays currently set disc. You can choose one from which inserted in JDJ for track selection. Clicking left-half of the region displays the previously inserted disc, and clicking right-half displays the next disc. A disc with no title attached is expressed as "No Title." Also, the tracks which are directly written in HTML file as the parameter for JDJ are registered in a disc titled "Direct Tracks."

track title
Track Title. Displays the title of a track which can be set on turn-tables. You can choose a track by clicking the region. Clicking left-half of the region displays the previous track, and clicking right-half displays the next track. If the chosen track has no title, then it will be generated from its URL.

drop track
Drop Track. Drops a track displayed on the Track Title region on to the turn-table. Clicking Drop Track region on the left hand drops the track on to the left turn-table, and vice versa.

speed control
Speed Control. Displays current playing speed of the track; 0 means the track's original speed and it increases as the number becomes greater and decreases as the number becomes smaller. To change the track's speed, push the mouse button down within the Speed Control region and drag the mouse upward or downward.

gain control
Gain Control. Displays the current output gain tendency. You can change mix ratio of the output from the left and right turn-table. To do that, push the mouse button down within the Gain Control region and drag the mouse to the left or right. Actually, each output sound is at the same level if the gain cursor is at center, and only the output from the left turn-table can be retrieved if the cursor is at left-most position, and vice versa.

track rewind
Track Rewind. Rewind the playing position of currently set track to the beginning. You can do it by clicking within theTrack Rewindregion; it will work if the track is playing or not.

play /pause /track not set
Play and Pause. Displays playing status of the track. The left-side icon means that you can start playing the track, the center icon means that you can stop playing, and the right-side icon means the track is not set or is being downloaded.

playing position /playing position not known
Playing Position. Displays the current playing position of the track. The cursor placed in the left-side icon shows the position. If the track is not set, is being downloaded, or the length of it is unknown, then the right-side icon is displayed.

Sequence for performance

  1. Determine if any disk is inserted in JDJ
  2. Select track
  3. Drop tracks on to the left or right turn-table
  4. Determine the download is completed and the play/pause icon shows it is playable
  5. Control speed, gain, and set the playing position of the track if you need
  6. Play tracks
  7. Control parameters and set tracks while playing

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Copyright (c) 1997 by Y. Fukuda
e-mail to: fuk@st.rim.or.jp